When she’s not at Ford Field holding the sign Mega Mom Loves Megatron, or winning Downtown Lansing Inc.’s Volunteer of the Year Award, or hitting the longest drive, or moving up in the standings in fantasy football, or just being an awesome mom, you’ll find Dana exactly where she’s been for more than 25 years: delivering results for some of the biggest brands in Mid-Michigan. As a Senior Account Executive, Dana’s leadership, creativity and drive are what separate her from the competition. As a proud DeWittian, Dana has called Mid-Michigan home her entire life. This Spartan Alum has her finger on the pulse of what’s happening around town and is passionate about bringing winning ideas to her partners.
1.Your key to success is?
LISTEN...follow through and Listen
2. What do you love most about your work?
Every day brings something different
3. Best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
Tomorrow brings a new day.
4. What motivates you?
My kids and setting an example for them.