Deb Hart

Deb Hart spent 30 years co-hosting morning rock radio shows and now enjoys talking with community members on Morning Blend with Bob Hoffman. A member of the National Sheriff’s Association I.G.N.I.T.E. Advisory board, she also teaches meditation and trauma sensitive movement at the Ingham County Jail. Travel, reading, writing and learning are favorite past times for Deb.

Your key to success is?
Exploring opportunities offered, bringing a positive attitude and desire to learn.

What do you love most about your work?
What I love most about media is the spectrum of people and personalities I get to meet, each with their own story and perspective. I have made so many friends and connections in this industry and heard so many fascinating stories!

Best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
Be present in the moment, listen, be kind, don’t make assumptions, don’t take things personally and do your best (list inspired by “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz).

What motivates you?
To be better today than I was yesterday, to contribute what I can to a stronger, healthier, more resilient community.

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