

Hepatitis A infection at Pine Knob Music Theatre prompts health advisory

Pine Knob Theatre logo.png

PONTIAC, Mich. — Oakland County officials are recommending precautionary measures following a reported case of hepatitis A at the Pine Knob Music Theatre in recent weeks.

We’re told those who ate food at the Ivy Lounge between Aug. 26 and Sept. 8 should be wary of symptoms. They include nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, head, fatigue, dark-colored urine, vomiting and yellowing skin/eyes.

Infection can lead to liver failure in rare cases, officials say.

Those who are unvaccinated against hepatitis A are urged to receive a vaccine immediately.

“The risk of transmission in this specific situation is low,” says Medical Director Dr. Russell Faust. “If you have not been vaccinated, get vaccinated. The vaccine can prevent the disease if given within 14 days after exposure.”

Connect with your doctor if you experience symptoms or have been exposed to hepatitis A.

Minimize risk of contracting hepatitis by taking the following precautions:

  • Wash your hands regularly and for a minimum duration of 20 seconds.
  • Clean all surfaces if a household member displays symptoms, especially toilets, sinks, faucet handles and doorknobs.
  • Don’t prepare food until at least three days after symptoms end.
  • Seek vaccination for hepatitis A.

Visit the state of Michigan’s website for more information.

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