

Colorado family spends snow day shoveling driveways for military spouses

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FOUNTAIN — FOUNTAIN, Colo. — Heavy snowfall meant that many kids in Colorado got a snow day on Wednesday. But while some spent it playing, others helped their community.

In the Cumberland Green neighborhood, it's all about community, especially on snow days.

"We go around the neighborhood and shovel for people who have spouses deployed," Trisha Mathill said.

Mathill and her children Tayte, Torey, and Trysten took up their shovels and helped military families dig out their driveways.

"Some people can't do this so it's nice to just help some people out," Tayte said. "They have some children and they need to focus on them. It's nice to help them out."

The kind gesture makes a big difference in their small neighborhood.

"It's incredibly helpful because with all of my kids there is no way I could get out here and shovel snow," Britni Kent said.

Kent's husband is deployed in Georgia, and she's caring for her seven children on her own.

"She doesn't ask for payment or anything, she just does it because he's gone," Kent said.

"Their husbands are already giving back; they are fighting for our country," Trisha Mathill said.

The Mathill family has been shoveling snow for military families in the neighborhood for the last three years.

"We also do the lawns during the summer. We mow, weedeat and take care of the wives' lawns. About six years ago, we had six people on our street with deployed husbands," Trisha Mathill said. "Not everything is about money. If you teach them good community service, they'll hopefully carry that on with them."

"So then the world will be better," Trysten said.

The family only shovels driveways in their neighborhood, but a new snow removal app, Green Pal, connects homeowners with snow removal professionals.

This story was originally published by Mayo Davison on Scripps station KOAA in Colorado Springs, Colorado.