

Shorter holiday break for some local schools

Posted 1:46 PM, Dec 19, 2016

It is the week of Christmas but not all schools have let out for holiday break. Some local school districts like Grand Ledge schools are still in session this week.

The State of Michigan is now requiring schools be in session 180 days for the 2016-2017 school year. That is up from 175 previously.

To accommodate for those days, many school districts like districts in Jackson County, and many in Ingham County including requested and received a waiver allowing those schools to begin in August. Those who opted to begin after Labor Day must make up the days.

Some have decided to extend the school year, others opted to reduce the two week Christmas vacation.

Grand Ledge and Maple Valley in Eaton Counties are among those schools where students will not get a full two weeks off. Wednesday is the last day for Grand Ledge and Thursday for Maple Valley according to the calendars on their websites.

Grand Ledge returns on January 3, and Maple Valley on January 4.