

MSP, truck drivers to highlight red flags of human trafficking

MSP file

LANSING, Mich. — January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month, and state troopers are joining forces with commercial truckers to educate the public.

Michigan State Police (MSP) says their motor carrier officers and Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT) will highlight red flags associated with human trafficking from Jan. 8–12. Meanwhile, they will increase enforcement of laws designed to curb trafficking.

We’re told the goal behind the program is to inform those who may be able to detect human trafficking while on the job. People in those roles include commercial drivers, employees at rest areas or truck stops, and public transportation personnel.

Visit TAT’s website for more information.

If you suspect human trafficking is taking place, connect with the National Human Trafficking Resources Center by calling 888-373-7888. Alternatively, send a text to BeFree at 233733.

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