The city of Charlotte is considering whether to allow marijuana production facilities and shops into the city.

The City Council is moving forward with a study that will seek feedback from residents and organizations in the community and look at information from other communities that have allowed for different forms of marijuana sales or production.
City staff will “talk to the police chief and look at you know information regarding law enforcement and trends that they’ve seen," said Mayor Michael Armitage. "And also you know what involvement they would have in enforcing any regulations we do put in place."
This isn’t the first time the council has discussed allowing marijuana businesses in town. The topic was brought up in 2018, but the council did not move forward with it.
Councilman Branden Dyer believes marijuana facilities bring economic and social benefits.
“If Charlotte happened to be the only Eaton County city that allowed retail dispensaries, I think that’s an economic opportunity that we would attract residents into the city from miles around,” Dyer said.

Armitage said on average, dispensaries bring in about $28,000 to a community.
Jacob Chadderdon, a Charlotte resident, said it could be a good thing for the city, but he does have concerns, like “someone buying it for underage minors or something like that. That’s my big worry and fear about this marijuana thing.”
Armitage said city staff should finish the report in July and officials will discuss the topic further then.
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