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One Charlotte man says this is the year the Lions win the Super Bowl

Posted 12:35 AM, Jan 20, 2024
  • Charlotte native David Howe has loved the Lions since he was a kid
  • One Charlotte man has been a Lions fan his entire life

(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)

One Charlotte man has been a Lions fan his entire life. He tells me this years team can go all the way and win the super bowl, but his love for the team started with Barry Sanders.

"I really watched Barry Sanders quite a bit, he was probably my favorite,"

Charlotte native David Howe has loved the Lions since he was a kid. He says he's seen bad and the ugly for many years, but this year, their luck has changed.

"You always hope for those playoff games, and you always hope for a super bowl win, once you a fan you keep rooting for them and hope for the best this might be our year for the big on,"

David has a decked out Lions cave with all his memorabilia.

"Hutchinson he is very popular, "

And he is own customized Lions lantern.

"I have a friend here in town, that makes these, and refurbishes them he knows I'm a lions fan he made me one,"

Daivd’s wife Eldora says he isn't the only lions fan in the household.

"I'm 10 years older than him, I been a lions fan longer than he has,"

David believes with the momentum the Lions have and support from the state they will prevail toward yet another victory on Sunday.

"We are in for a win, I got to think positive on this one,"

The Lions play the Tampa Buccaneers on Sunday at 3pm eastern with a chance to make their first NFC championship game since 1991.

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