- The push for affordable housing in Eaton County has been difficult.
- In today's economy, the house pieces are skyrocketing.
- Watch the video above to learn about the housing issue in Eaton County.
(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)
The home is a centerpiece for any family. In today's economy, the house pieces are skyrocketing. The average price of a home in Eaton County can be higher than some people can afford.
"There is a big need for people, to have a place to call home," Eaton County Neighbor Mary'Ann Novetske said.
The push for more affordable housing in Eaton County has been affecting the community for several years. Eaton County neighbor Mary'Ann Novetske wants neighbors to be aware of this issue.

"We need to be alert, we need to be aware, so we can lead people in the right direction," Eaton County Neighbor Mary'Ann Novetske said.
Homelessness in Charlotte is an issue I've reported on several times. I've listened as people around town have told me about the difficulty some people have in finding a place to stay.
"We're experiencing longer terms of homelessness, taking people longer to find housing," Housing Services Mid-Michigan executive director Christie Harry said.
Housing Services Mid-Michigan executive director Christie Harry tells me they are helping neighbors without anywhere else to stay, find rental homes because the need is extremely high.

"We help people search for housing, and locate housing, by putting lists together, lists of available rentals," Housing Services Mid-Michigan executive director Christie Harry said.
"For those experiencing homelessness, we do emergency rental assistance, we can help with a portion of the move-in cost," Housing Services Mid-Michigan executive director Christie Harry said.
And Novetske has personally had someone who is homeless spend nights at her home if they need a place to stay.
For more information on how to contact Housing Services Mid-Michigan for assistance, the details are down below.
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