- MLK and West St. Joseph was named the second most dangerous intersection in Ingham County by Michigan Auto Law.
- In 2022, the Intersection saw 55 crashes and 13 injuries.
- Watch video about to see how residents and city officials feel about the intersection.
MLK and West St Joseph is a busy Southside intersection that has built up quite the reputation.
“I’ve seen a lot of accidents,” said Tony Murshe. “Not every day, but at least a few times a week.”
Murshe owns the BP about a quarter mile away from the intersection, and he said he’s seen some pretty bad accidents in the area.
I’ve seen people die here at this intersection,” Murshe said.
Car pieces from previous accidents remain in the MLK and St Jospeh intersection.
In 2022, Michigan Auto Law named the area the second mostdangerous intersection in Ingham county, with 55 crashes and 13 injuries.
“Part of the issue that we’re having is the speed that is being allowed on our state lines,” said councilman Adam Hussain.
Hussain said addressing the issue in the intersection starts with looking at speed, which is why last year city voted to support House Bill 4012.
“It allows more local control of speed on city streets,” Hussain said. “It would allow us to not be married to that 80 percentile speed limit that the state suggests, but allows us to decrease that to possibly the 50 percentile."
As for what’s done on the law enforcement side? Ingham County sheriff Scott Wriggelsworth is urging drivers stay focused behind the wheel.
Limit your distractions while behind the wheel,” Wriggelsworth said. “All the time we see people with phones and tablets while behind the wheel which takes away from their focus.
Going back to Murshe, he hopes the number of crashes at MLK and Saint Jospeh will go down sooner, rather than later.
“Just be careful to save your life and other people’s lives,” he said.