- The "Mikey 23 Foundation" was started in 2015, to honor Michael Mckissic Jr., who was shot and killed in Lansing.
- Over the years, the group has worked to combat gun violence by getting the youth off the streets and teaching them trade skills.
- Now, in the coming months, Mayor Andy Schor will proclaim Aug.1. "Mikey 23" Day.
Michael McKissic will never forget his baby boy, Mikey.

Aug. 1. will mark 10 years since the 23-year-old was shot and killed in Lansing. The case remains unsolved.

“Regardless if it’s been 10 years or not, the pain is still there,” Mckissic said.
So much pain that Mckissic somehow managed to turn into something positive, in the form of the Mikey 23 Foundation. He started it a week after his son's death.
“Our motto is always simple, instead of picking up a gun and contributing to gun violence, pick up a hammer and rebuild the community,” Mckissic said.

The Mikey 23 Foundation focuses on taking young people off the streets and teaching them trade skills. Mckissic said this is needed, especially since gun violence remains a problem in the city. Lansing Police have reported 2 deadly shootings and 10 non-fatal shootings so far this year.
“We cant slack up,” Mckissic said. “We may think our numbers are good or down, but we gotta keep going.”
Over the nearly 10 years operating, we're told the Mikey 23 Foundation has had more than 250 young adults be part of the program and the work isn't going unrecognized.
“We want to make a Mikey 23 day of Lansing,” said Lansing Mayor Andy Schor. “We want to honor everything he has done in our community."
This day will be Aug.1., a day Mckissic said will be celebrated through service and keeping his son's legacy alive.