LANSING, Mich — There is alleged unwanted activity here at North cemetery on Miller Street.

Loretta Stanaway, President of the Friends of Lansing Historic Cemeteries, said there have been concerns of vandalism, illegal dumping, un-housed people gathering at the cemetery, and sexual activity.
But now, she’s hoping things will change, with the installment of 4, 16 feet tall solar lights.

“What we're looking at here is how can this deter some of that activity,” said Lansing Parks and Recreation Director Brett Kaschinski.
Kaschinski said the installation price will come with a $5,000 price tag, money the city is getting from a recent sale.
“The voters voted to allow us sell a property adjacent to the cemetery, we will use proceeds from that sale,” Kaschinski said.
The lights will be on dawn to dusk and as Stanaway waits for them to be installed on Wednesday, one thing is top of mind.
“We just want our public to feel safe coming into the cemeteries,” she said.