- Bond-funded upgrades at Waverly Community Schools include secure entrances and improved hallways with natural light.
- Construction projects at Waverly High School are expected to be completed in fall 2025.
- Watch the video above to see how improvements are coming along
(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)
A New main entrance at Waverly High School is one the many projects happening around Waverly Community Schools. voters approved two bonds worth more than 130 million dollars to pay for the projects.

“Safety is the most important thing that we do here and we want to ensure we’re doing everything we can to control people that are going in and out of our building.” Said Tony Terranova, Waverly High School Principal.
The new entryway adds to that control, sending visitors into the office before they can go into the rest of the building.
It is Something all schools will have and is a priority that Waverley Parent Art Austin is happy to see become a reality.
“I feel good for any school that's getting any improvement as long as it's going to be safe for the kids.” Said Art Austin, Waverly Parent.
In July, I toured the ongoing construction with Waverly Superintendent Kelly Blake.
Since then new classrooms and hallways have been opened to students creating a brand new look to the school.

“One major success criteria was bringing in more natural light that's why we have this beautiful room that opens up into the main hallway.” Said Kelly Blake, Waverly Superintendent.
Half of the classrooms have also seen a major overhaul, with new desks and carpet. Math Teacher Chris Tyler says his students have enjoyed the improvements.

“It’s just a comfortable space now, having the ability to change our lighting, our temperature as needed,” said Chris Tyler, Waverly Math Teacher.
Back outside, Waverly Parent Art Austin adds he’s happy that the community's support for students can be seen by anyone who drives by.
“it’s for the kids and I'm sure if they have kids attending any of the schools in the district they would want that.” Said Austin.
District officials said the complete overhaul of the whole high school is expected to be completed in the fall of 2025 and construction projects across the district are expected to be completed in late 2027.
TAKE A LOOK: This is what the front entrance will look like once complete.

The aesthetic completion of the front entrance has been delayed due to supply-chain issues and labor shortages but officials say they are on track to complete the entrance soon.
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