- Former Delta Township Supervisor Ken Fletcher resigned in September after felony charges but remained on the November ballot, won re-election, and did not take office, leaving the position vacant.
- The Delta Township Board has 45 days to fill the vacancy; failure to do so will result in in a special election in May, with estimates to cost $20,000–$25,000.
- The board will consider interest from sitting board members at the next meeting and, if no decision is reached, will move to a public process involving resumes and interviews.
- Watch the video above to see how the township is dealing with the timely situation at hand.
(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)
“Former Supervisor Fletcher did not take his oath of office so the position is considered vacated” Said Mary Clark, Delta Township Clerk.
Former Township Supervisor Ken Fletcher resigned in September after facing felony charges which included accosting a child for immoral purposes in a sting operation.
Because of the timing, Fletcher remained on the ballot for the November election and won the position back but did not take the seat leading to Monday night's discussion.

“We have 45 days, we can make this work” Said Clark.
If a decision is not made in 45 days the position will go back to an election in may which would cost the township money.
“We’re looking at 20 to 25 thousand for our portion of a May election would be my guess.” Said Clark.
The Board discussed the possibility of accepting outside resumes and making an appointment to the position that would last into the 2026 Mid-Term. The clerk says they have used that method for past appointments.

“We have taken resumes and letters of intent the board has reviewed them and decided who or how many to move forward to with interviews” Said Clark.
But several board members expressed their interest in the position themselves, wanting the chance for an internal appointment.

“Tonight the board decided to accept interest from current sitting board members for the supervisor position at our next regular meeting and then if they’re not able to come to a selection at that meeting they’ll move to a public process.” Said Brian Reed.
Something that not all board members agreed with and in the end residents in attendance gave their thoughts.
“It is an elected position and I believe we should have an election. I appreciate the desire to save the township money but that is first and foremost.” Said Sheree Ritchie, Delta Township Resident.
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