- The Bridge to the Future event, hosted by Clinton County RESA, connects 8th graders and sophomores in DeWitt with a wide range of potential careers, from skilled trades to healthcare.
- Industry leaders, like Fred Render from Capital Steel, emphasized the importance of skilled trades in the Greater Lansing area, offering students valuable career pathways right out of high school.
- With students exploring hands-on career options, this program offers a firsthand look at what their futures could hold. Watch the video to see more of the event.
(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)
One event here in DeWitt is helping connect our students with potential future careers. I’m your neighborhood reporter, Russell Shellberg, showing you the impact industry leaders are making.
High school sophomores Emily Schneider and Jenna Gossett have started thinking about what’s next for them after high school.

“Nursing for AFC Homes,” said Gossett.
“Yeah, I’m kind of just searching around in here,” said Schneider.
On Thursday, a local education agency called Clinton County RESA hosted an event called "Bridge to the Future." The program aims to help 8th graders and sophomores explore career options. The businesses represented ranged from steelworking to medical roles, offering a variety that Clinton County RESA Career Education Consultant Kelly Williams says helps students identify their interests.
“This gives them a chance to explore specific areas and learn about the different jobs available,” said Williams.

Among the careers presented were skilled trades, a path that Fred Render of Capital Steel says is essential when considering career options.
“That’s a trend we’ve been seeing, and it’s great to see. We need students going into skilled trades, and we’re hoping that trend continues,” said Render.

Render told me that trades are crucial here in Greater Lansing due to the proximity to the automotive manufacturing industry. He also mentioned that students entering the workforce directly out of high school are finding opportunities to make a good living.
Williams adds that for students with two years left to decide, exposure to a variety of career options is key.
“There are very specific jobs here that kids can explore,” said Williams.
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