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The village of Elsie sold a historic house for $1. The new owners moved it to a different lot.

The historic Dorman house in the village of Elsie was purchased for $1 and moved to another lot in the village
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A historic house in Elsie was going to be demolished, until it was purchased from the village for just $1. It was then pulled up from its foundation and moved this week to a new location in the village.

"Originally it was on Main Street, then it moved to Ovid Street, now it moved further down South Ovid Street," Village Manager Shane Grinnell said.

Elsie native Megan Montes said her in-laws because they're planning to move from Oregon.

"We've been bugging them for six years to get here because my whole family's here, and they finally did it," she said.

Grinnell said it's one of the first houses on Main Street in Elsie. According to Montes, it dates back to the 1880s.

"We received it for $1 back in the day, and we looked at different options of what we could do with the home," Grinnell said. "We looked at moving our village office there. We looked at using it for a training facility, and then it was also talked about tearing it down."

Montes' in-laws started looking for a place in Elsie in August.

"They went up to look at a different lot to ask some questions to the village manager in regards to building, and he jokingly said, 'Hey, I have a house that I'll sell you for a dollar,'" Montes recalled. "They saw the character of it and just knew that they wanted to have a part of history."

Their family moved the house off village property to a lot owned by Montes' grandmother.

"She owns two acres, her house and then a lot, and it's always been empty," Montes said. "She kind of just threw it out there and said, 'Hey guys, I'll sell you my lot.'"

"The cool thing about the story is the family that's moving into the house, they've been in contact with the little girl that grew up in that house back in the '20s and '30s," Grinnell said.

In addition to some structural renovations, they're working to restore the house to its original design.

"It has all the original chandeliers that she wants to gift us to put in the house after it's all said and done, which is awesome because we love the story that the house tells," Montes said.

Montes said her in-laws plan to move in this summer.

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