LANSING, Mich. — Five mayoral candidates facing off in the August primary election battled it out on stage at a live, 60-minute televised debate hosted by FOX 47 News and City Pulse at 7 p.m June 24.
Watch the entire debate below:
Incumbent Lansing Mayor Andy Schor outlined his reelection platform and defended himself from challengers and City Council members Kathie Dunbar and Patricia Spitzley along with local psychologist Melissa Huber and community activist Farhan Sheikh-Omar. A sixth candidate, Larry Hutchinson Jr. did not participating in the live debate.

FOX 47 Senior Reporter Sarah Grimmer hosted the live debate. FOX 47 Multimedia Journalists Erica Murphy and Larry Wallace served as panelists along with City Pulse Managing Editor Kyle Kaminski and MIRS News Editor Kyle Melinn. The primary election is set for Aug. 3. Absentee ballots are already hitting local mailboxes.
Learn more about some of the candidates.
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