LANSING, Mich — Nearly 30 years have passed, and Michael Lynn Junior still remembers the incident on this south Pennsylvania bridge that forever changed his life.
“It's the last place I was arrested at for a gun charge at 15 years old,” Lynn said.

But that was the past, today, Lynn has done a 180, working with numerous groups, in hopes of preventing gun violence.
“It's just amazing, I am doing the work that would have helped me as a youngster,” Lynn said.
The battle is a big one and fought on multiple fronts. LPD pitching in, seizing 56 firearms and more than 350 in 2024.

“I mean its easy if you come across,” Lynn said. “I mean you hear about them breaking into many cars all the time in Lansing. If they could find someone irresponsible who to just put their guns under the seat without a safe box, eventually someone will break in and steal it.”
It's not just stealing guns that's the problem -- but also the ability to build ghost guns and something called "straw purchasing”.
“Straw Purchasing is somebody who's eligible to buy a firearm, goes to buy a firearm and hands it off on somebody who shouldn't have it,” Lynn said.