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Michigan COVID Memorial gets new location in Lansing Mall


LANSING, Mich. — It’s been more than a year since the Michigan COVID Memorial has been in the Lansing Mall. But now, the memorial has a new home inside of the mall with even more space.

“It’s down in guest services,” said Michigan COVID Memorial organizer Cheryl Garza. “So you enter in the first floor of the mall walk down pass T-Mobile, and it’s right by JCPenny in the old guest services.”

Since March 2021, the memorial was housed outside of a vacant storefront in the mall, but the new location has more space for more names.

“It’ll give us a lot more room and also more visibility because more people would be able to see it because the location is right in the center of the mall,” Garza said.

Since its creation, the purpose of the memorial wall has been to honor those who have lost their lives to COVID-19. Michigan COVID Memorial said these changes would not be possible without the help from their donors.

To find out more information about about Michigan COVID Memorial, click here.