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Michigan Senate passes a bill to increase the minimum wage

The bill now heads to the House floor to be voted on
Michigan State Capitol

LANSING, Mich — On Thursday evening the Michigan Senate voted bipartisan to pass a bill aimed at increasing Michigan's minimum wage and improving the tipped credit.

Neighbors have voiced their opinions of the earned sick time and tipped wage bills for months.

Now, the bill will increase the timeline of Michigan's minimum wage increase to $15 an hour by 2027 compared to the original 2028 timeline.

In addition, it will protect the tipped credit, having it remain at 38% of the minimum wage for the remainder of 2025 then gradually increasing and capping at 50% over 6 years.

This came just over one week until the earned sick time and tipped wage bills went into effect.

Before going into effect, the bill will be sent to the House floor to be voted on.

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