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Substance abuse resources in mid-Michigan, what you need to know

Brotherhood Against Drugs
  • Over the weekend, the Ingham County Health Department reported 5 drug overdoses in Lansing, 4 of them were fatal.
  • Local organizations that provide resources are responding to the news.
  • Watch video above for more details.

Substance abuse in Lansing continues to be a problem. The Ingham county Health Department reported 5 overdoses in the area this past weekend, four of them being fatal.
“It’s really sad, its a sad thing because sometimes we try and be that extended hand,” said Fernando Brown.

Fernando Brown and Judy Booker

An extended hand that Brown and Judy Booker said they offer through the organization Brotherhood Against Drugs.

“We try and educate the people on doing the right things and staying away from drug,” Booker said.

The group has seen it all, including the impact substance abuse has had on people of all ages.

“We’ve seen as young as 10 or 12,” Brown said. “It’s a trickling down thing.

While building a relationship with people dealing with the abuse, we’re told their goal is to provide them with resources such as food, shelter, and even rehab.

“We have sent the people to rehab,” Booker said. “We can take them to the door, but we can’t open the door for them."

For those people who aren’t ready to open the door yet, there’s other resources available.

“The group that I do, is Rise from Your Graves, we meet at the Fledge every Sunday,” said Rob Kanous.

Rob Kanous

Kanous has been working with that group for the past two years, and he said their mention focuses on harm reduction.

“Changing the mode of how someone takes that substance,” Kanous said. “Ensuring that they’re doing the risky behavior in the safest way possible.”

Two Lansing neighborhood groups, working the combat substance abuse, while also sending a powerful message to those suffering from it.

“Your struggle matters,” Kanous said. “There are people that want to help you and we are here for you.”

Below are a list of a few resources:

Brotherhood Against Drugs
Phone: 310-972-0409

Rise From Your Graves
Meets Every Sunday @ 6:30 pm
1300 Eureka Street
Lansing, MI

Punks with Lunch
Phone:t 419-405-1308
Address: 1300 Eureka Street, Lansing Mi

Ingham County Health Department says more than 20 locations in the area provide free Narcan, those locations can be found here.