- On November 7, East Lansing Police found two bodies in a freezer inside an East Lansing apartment.
- Tuesday, ELPD announced they had identified a person of interest, and that the person of interest was deceased.
- Fox 47 obtained search warrant paperwork that pointed to the identity of the person of interest and brought it to ELPD, who confirmed the identity.
- Video shows East Lansing Police Lieutenant Adrian Ojerio talking laying out where the investigation stands.
(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)
I'm your East Lansing Neighborhood Reporter Colin Jankowski. We have an update in the case of a body found in a freezer. Court documents detail what else police were later looking for in that apartment, and who owned those items.
"Officers did respond to a suspicious situation up in the 1500 block of Wintercrest Street," Lt. Adrian Ojerio said.

I talked with East Lansing Police Lieutenant Adrian Ojerio about where things stand in the investigation of two bodies found in a freezer inside an East Lansing apartment earlier this month. Police call it a double homicide.
"During our preliminary investigation, our detectives did follow leads of a person of interest," Lt. Ojerio said. "During that investigation, we have determined that that person of interest is deceased."
ELPD did not name the Person of Interest in their update, but, I obtained search warrant paperwork detailing what authorities looked for in the apartment as part of their investigation.
According to the warrants, in the apartment, police found hard drives and cell phones belonging to Jason Weerawat. The documents say the items were found in what is believed to be Weerawat's bedroom inside the apartment.
The warrant says Weerawat died by suicide in Detroit in July of this year.
With all of that information in hand, we talked with ELPD, and they did confirm that Weerawat is the person of interest mentioned.
Lt. Ojerio stressed Wednesday afternoon that the person of interest in the investigation is just that.
"We do not want to speculate or put a label on anybody until we can confirm more information," Lt. Ojerio said.
Some questions do remain. What connection, if any, does Jason Weerawat have to this case? We'll continue to push for answers, and let you know when we find them.
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