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A Jackson coffee shop owner explains the rising price of coffee and how it's impacting business

"Everything is just crushing coffee right now."
  • Video shows Duncan Bone, Owner of Fortress Cafe in Jackson, explaining why the cost of coffee is spiking.
  • According to Bone, in the last month, he's seen a 30% increase in green coffee (unroasted beans) cost, and that it had gone up 15% already in the year prior.
  • He says a large part of that price increase is due to the supply issues, caused by droughts in Brazil and Africa, as well as inflation.

Fortress Cafe Owner, Duncan Bone, says his coffee is roasted right here, in Jackson, by his dad. In the last month, he's seen a 30% increase in green coffee (unroasted beans). Bone says that number is projected to continue to rise. "That combo of supply issues and inflation on everything is just crushing coffee right now," he explains.
Bone says the supply issues the coffee industry is seeing are due to the droughts in Brazil and Africa, two of the largest producers of coffee. He explains, "The droughts and the supply lately, which is a huge thing. Then, inflation has been crazy for a while now." Because of that, Bone has seen several impacts from that rising price tag. "I mean, we went from having three coffee shops to one. We had to close our other two locations. It didn't make any sense to be as spread thin as we were," Bone continues.

WATCH: Bone is hoping to boost coffee sales. Here's why:

Fortress Cafe is hoping to boost coffee sales, for a special reason

Go to their website to learn more.

Increased coffee prices have also led to raising the price of bagged coffee and, eventually, shop prices. "It's that fine line of trying to keep it competitive, but also make us where we have enough to pay our bills and pay our employees," shares Bone.

For those still looking for that morning pick-me-up, Bone promises Fortress Cafe will continue to deliver. "Rare is the day we get a complaint about our coffee. I'm a little biased, but it's pretty dang good," says Bone.

WATCH: Learn more about Fortress Cafe and the Bone family

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