- Video shows a street sign unveiling, hosted by the City of Jackson, at Grover Leake Park.
- In September, City Council unanimously voted to change the name of Milwaukee Avenue to Carl Breeding Way.
- Breeding was a community leader who represented Ward 1 on Jackson's City Council from 1997-2012.
- Breeding was also a math teacher at Jackson High School and an active leader in the NAACP in both Michigan and at the national level.
"Certainly, it's bittersweet, because you have this moment of happiness with a little bit of sadness, because I would rather have him here," says daughter of Carl Breeding, Tara Breeding Mobley. She, and other community members, say he was a man known for walking the streets of his neighborhood.
Local leaders say that Breeding paved the way for them, like Jackson's Mayor, Daniel Mahoney. "If there was no Carl Breeding, there would be no Mayor Daniel Mahoney," he says.
WATCH: Mayor Mahoney shares stories of Carl Breeding's impact
Breeding also influenced the council member who sits in Jackson's Ward 1 seat. A seat that used to be held by Breeding, himself. Councilwoman, Arlene Robinson, says, "He certainly left a mark with me. I do think of him often when I make decisions and how I make decisions and how I serve the people of this community. He is often on my mind."
Since his passing in 2012, renaming Milwaukee street has been on Robinson's agenda. She says, "Being a part of this community was inspired by those forefounders. They put me on their shoulders and walked me through and gave me the education I needed to serve this community."
In September, Jackson City Council unanimously voted to rename Milwaukee Avenue as Carl Breeding Way. Monday, just one day prior to the anniversary of his passing, it became a reality. Breeding's son, Chad Breeding, says, "One thing (that) happens when people pass away, people seem to forget about people. But, today let's you know that there's a lot of good people that remember the work that you've done. For him to get a street named after him, it's a great honor."

Breeding also served as President of the Michigan NAACP and Vice President of the National NAACP, according to the City of Jackson. Mobley explains, "He wanted everybody else to have freedom and liberties, but was the last to think about himself." Memories of how he inspired Jackson's past, and helped influence its future. Chad Breeding says, "For it to be Carl Breeding Way, that just says it all. Carl Breeding's way, that's the way he did it."
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