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A Jackson veteran is given a special honor on a special day

  • Video shows a ceremony honoring Alexander (Alex) Solomon.
  • Alex Solomon served in the Army Air Corps in World War II.
  • On his 100th birthday, he was honored with a tribute from the State of Michigan and the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Alexander Solomon honored at Michigan's Military Heritage Museum
Alexander Solomon is honored by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Jackson's own, Alex Solomon, served in the Army Air Corps in WWII. During that time, he earned five battle stars in the Battle of Britain. Friday, Solomon was honored by the State of Michigan and Department of Veterans Affairs for a lifetime of achievements on a day that was also a monumental milestone, his 100th birthday. To be receiving this honor on his birthday, Solomon says, "It's great to be honored." A special honor on a special day.

Alexander Solomon Tribute
Alexander Solomon received an honor from the State of Michigan for his 100th birthday.

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