JACKSON, Mich — Jackson City Council has approved the sale of the Hayes Hotel, in downtown Jackson, to a new developer for $25,000. The Hayes Hotel was originally built in 1926, and has been vacant since 2003. According to a recent press release from the City of Jackson, CollierGibson of Dayton, Ohio, will be taking on the project. The developer plans to renovate the 10-story building to include 109 market-rate apartments, as well as commercial and office space.
Most previously, the City was working with a developer based out of Milwaukee, J. Jeffers. The City of Jackson says that they started looking in a different direction after the latest extension with J. Jeffers expired on December 31, 2024. CollierGibson, according to the City of Jackson, expressed interest in the project and presented a comprehensible and achievable plan. Their renovation is set to be $35 million, and will feature apartments, restaurants, and an entertainment space. The company plans to start construction this summer, with a target completion date of 2027.
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