- Haley Hemmig and her husband will renew their season tickets for the Lions' next season, but it will be expensive.
- According to Hemmig, the price of their tickets increased by 65%.
- Hemmig says that she worries if they weren't to renew, they would be added to a long waitlist before they were able to secure seats again.
"It's just the best time of our lives," Lions superfan and season ticket holder Haley Hemmig said. For her and her husband, Rob, the highlight of their Sundays has been heading to Ford Field.
"We have been Lions fans for, gosh, as long as I can remember," Hemmig said. The Hemmigs found a home near the endzone in section 344.
"Detroit is just a different breed of fans. It's just the best time ever," Hemmig said. While the past few seasons have been some of the best they've seen, there is a price to pay. Seeing the price of their tickets go up 65% came as a shock.
"It was obviously crazy, but since the Lions are playing so well, we knew it was coming," Hemmig said.
The Hemmigs say their season tickets cost $1,800 for this season. Next season, they'll have a price tag of $2,900. This jump in price can't keep these fans from their home in section 344.
"Totally worth it," Hemmig said.
She says, with the current waitlist for season tickets, their seats aren't something they'll be giving up anytime soon.
"Why would I want to miss out on walking into that stadium and just seeing that crowd go crazy?" Hemmig explained.
A love for the Lions she and her husband hope to pass on to the next generation.

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