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Hillsdale Co. Road Commission workers hoping to expedite new union contract

Union leaders say negotiations have been slow since the last contract expired January 1st
  • Hillsdale County Road Commission workers say negotiations have been slow since their last union contract expired January 1st.
  • Union representatives came to Thursday's Road Commission Board meeting to ask the Board to speed things up.
  • The Board said it would take their concerns into consideration.
  • Road Commission Manager Bob Griffis says management remains engaged in negotiations with workers.
  • WATCH THE VIDEO for remarks from workers, management, and the Board.

(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)

"It just doesn't seem like we're getting anywhere," says Don Hobbs, head of the Hillsdale County Road Commission workers' union.

As they wait for a new union contract, some Road Commission workers say they'd like the Commission Board to intervene.

"Like the last contract — it took six months, and it was pretty drawn out," says Hobbs. "It got pretty ugly and we don't want to see that again."

Hobbs says the last contract with workers expired January 1st. The Road Commission cleans and maintains county roads.

"We figured it would be better just to work with the Road Board ourselves, 'cause they're the ones that sign the contract," says Hobbs.

The Commission Board met Thursday…and Hobbs and other workers were on hand.

"We're three months in…" said local union Secretary David Cook.

Hobbs says the union is looking to maintain current benefits, including time off, and is asking for a pay increase of about 11%. He says management is offering only 2%.

I reached out to Road Commission Manager Bob Griffis. He wasn't available to meet with me, but he did send me the following statement:

"We have been engaged and will continue to negotiate whenever both sides are available to do so."

The Commission Board did not provide us with any more specific comments on the situation, but Vice-Chair Gary Leininger did have this to say:

"I thank all of you for coming, and your comments, and I'll just say this: we, as a board, will take your comments under consideration."

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