- After two-and-a-half-hour closed-door session, Jackson Public School Board of Education authorizes separation negotiations with Superintendent Jeff Beal.
- Decision comes after Beal sent a disparaging text message to Board Member Kesha Hamilton.
- Beal apologized publicly to Hamilton at Tuesday's Board meeting.
- During public comments, speaker after speaker spoke of what they called retaliatory and discriminatory behavior of Beal.
- Video shows Board meeting, Beal's apology, and some of the speakers.
(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)
After a two-and-a-half-hour closed-door discussion, the Jackson Public School (JPS) Board of Education announced an authorization to begin negotiating a separation with Superintendent Jeff Beal.
The discussion was prompted by an errant text message Beal sent disparaging Board Member Kesha Hamilton. But the text was sent to Kesha Hamilton.

Tuesday Beal offered an apology.
“Ms. Hamilton, I apologize for the hurt that I caused you. I apologize for the inadvertent text that made your way. I cannot sit in your shoes. I do not receive it in the manner you would receive it, and I understand the unprofessional nature and how that is beneath me.”
The meeting agenda was changed prior to the meeting, putting public comment after the closed door session.

Those who had gathered to comment waited two and half hours for the opportunity…

“We have come to principals, we have come to superintendents. Nothing’s done. Nothing is done!” said Pennie Davis — a former JPS teacher (see our previous story about Ms. Davis's lawsuit against JPS HERE).
…many citing instances they described as retaliatory and discriminatory action by Superintendent Beal.
While heated at times, order was maintained by two police officers.

“No, no, that’s not the policy. You have it printed on today’s policy. You are amending the law. You are amending the law. You are a liar!” said Joanna Perkin (after being cut off by Board Chair Pam Fitzgerald after three minutes instead of five).
Few spoke up in defense of Beal. William Hastings was one:
“It needs to be pointed out that the scandalous wayward text message that is being used as a pretext to destroy Jeff Beal’s career at JPS was sent on July 23rd. But the crafty, maybe conniving Kesha Hamilton kept it hidden right up her sleeve, didn’t she, sweetheart?”

(At one point during his remarks, a heckler interrupted him.)
“Your wife will never make the Board!” came a voice from the audience.
Hastings' response: “Whatever you say, losers.”
Many criticized the Board, saying it shared responsibility for the atmosphere in which the scandal occurred.
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