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MI GOP coming together around Trump agenda, say Jackson Republicans

While debates continue inside the party about who supports President Trump, neighborhood Republicans say they saw more unity than before at last weekend's state party convention
  • Jackson Republicans tell me they see their party uniting around President Trump's agenda following a state party gathering in Detroit this past weekend.
  • Past rancor over leadership and President Trump appear to be subsiding, say neighborhood Republicans.
  • WATCH THE VIDEO for reactions to the Michigan Republican Party Convention from a local leader and a party activist.

(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)

"It went smoother than I've seen in some past conventions." — Russ Jennings, Chair, Jackson County Republicans

Neighborhood Republicans tell me they saw their party coming back together at this past weekend's state party convention after divisions over leadership issues...and President Trump. I got some reactions to that meeting from both party leadership...and rank-and-file.

"They're ready to march, so that's great," says neighborhood Republican party activist Nicholas Fenn.

"It was a positive tone, and everybody was getting along, and I didn't see any outward problems like we had seen in the past," says Jackson County Republican Chair Russ Jennings.

According to Jennings, last weekend's GOP state convention in Detroit went off without the kind of division over leadership and the persona and agenda of President Donald Trump the party had seen in recent years.

Jennings says he now sees state Republicans coalescing around the Trump Administration's agenda.

"Even elected officials from the past here in Michigan that, we questioned that, I see they're on board now for that agenda."

And he believes it's an agenda that will be a winning one for his party in upcoming elections.

"Keep the border secure, cut abuse, waste, and potential fraud…those messages right there — I think that's going to be proven to be an asset going into the next election eliminate or at least wear down the so-called 'deep state'…that's the tone that's going to be set. Leaner, smaller government," says Jennings.

Republican stalwart Nicholas Fenn says he's been active in the party from an early age. I asked him — is division in the party between Trump supporters and opponents still an issue?

"Yes, it is," says Fenn. "We saw that in the convention."

Fenn says he still hears debates within the party about who has been more or less supportive of Trump in the past. But he agrees Trump's November victory is creating momentum for unity among Michigan Republicans.

"I think they've got a very good chance," says Fenn. "They just need people who will stay on one path and not falter when they get afraid."

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