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One Jackson business finds a unique way to attract customers amidst Cooper Street construction

  • Video shows the Cooper Street construction project in Jackson.
  • According to MDOT, the project involves replacing the 60-year-old M-106 Bridge.
  • At first, Doll n' Burgers was worried about what the construction would do to business, now they're finding new ways to attract customers.

Back in January, when construction began on S Cooper Street, Doll n' Burgers shared that they were worried about what this construction project would mean for business.
WATCH: Construction starts on Cooper Street


  • According to MDOT:
    • They are starting a project this week to replace the 60-year-old M-106 Bridge on South Cooper Street.
    • The project includes bridge replacement, roadway reconstruction, drainage improvements, sidewalk replacement, storm sewer and water main replacement.
    • The roadway will be fully closed from Washington Street to the south side of the railroad tracks.
    • Construction will continue through to the fall.

Wednesday, we followed up to see how those orange cones have impacted business. "It's been slow. We've been really slow," says employee, Yomar Rosado. He says it was slow at first, but Doll n' Burgers has seen some improvement in recent days. Rosado says the construction workers moving some of the cones have made traffic better.
With traffic impacts, the team at Doll n' Burgers has come up with a creative way to remind neighbors they're open. Rosado says, "I wear the cow costume out there to get people in here and it works sometimes."

Cow costume at Doll n' Burgers
Doll n' Burgers employee, Yomar Rosado, shows off his cow costume.

MDOT says the project is set to wrap up in the fall. In the meantime, Rosado and the team at Doll n' Burgers hope customers will still stop in for a bite. He says, "With the construction, we just want to let everybody know that we're open, still. We've got some great food. We're still making burgers!"

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