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Spring-like weather brings Jackson golfers out in force

Jackson-area courses already open on Friday were busy
  • With spring in the air, Jackson golfers are out in force.
  • Parking lots are full and tee times quickly disappearing at courses that are open this week.
  • WATCH THE VIDEO for a glimpse of golfers out on the links this week in our neighborhood.

(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)

With weather like this, it didn't take long for parking lots to fill up at Jackson neighborhood golf this one.

Not the first time out this season for these gentlemen.

"Monday and Tuesday, and again today, and I played yesterday up in Lansing," says Jackson neighborhood golfer Ned Bacon.

As the weather has has gotten warmer, tee times were booked, and courses filled up with golfers ready to get out on the links.

It's Adam Nussbaum's third outing this week:
"Course is in good shape. Can't complain for this type of weather."

In fact, here at Calderone Golf Club, it might be too late to get a tee time this weekend.

"This weekend we're booked solid," says Rick Frinkle, who was working the desk Friday. "We don't have any open tee times, at all."

It's one of a few Jackson area golf courses open year-round, weather permitting. When I got here midday Friday, the parking lot was full.

"After the long winter, everybody wants to get out and play golf," says Frinkle.

Ned Bacon and his golf buddies take every opportunity they can get.

"It's going to be a great day," says Bacon. "It's so nice I wore my shorts today."

And, with spring-like weather and dozens of courses in our Jackson neighborhood, Bacon and his friends have plenty of options.

"This week, we've played Calderone and Arbor Hills," says Greg Zeller. "We'll wait for another couple to open in the next day or two."

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