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"The time is here..." Jackson Police Chief says goodbye after almost 30 years

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  • Video shows Elmer Hitt, Director of Police and Fire Services at the Jackson Police Department.
  • Hitt started with JPD "fresh out of high school" 29 years ago, and has served as Chief for the past eight years.
  • WATCH: Hitt reflects on some of the most memorable moments of the past three decades.

"It probably hasn't sunk in completely yet, but after 29 years of working for the department, and no doubt, the last eight years as the Chief, I know that it's time for me to do something different," says Elmer Hitt.
When asked about his most memorable moments, Hitt shares, "There are so many memories. First of all, from my first days on patrol to the things that occur that you just can't expect." One of those unexpected calls, for Hitt, losing one of his own. "The loss of Officer James Bonneau in 2010; I was a Lieutenant then. Getting that call in the middle of the night and having to respond and being involved in that... That memory will certainly live with me forever."

Hitt shares that he has many fond memories as well. "One thing that I've been proud of the last couple of years, specifically. I think we really enhanced our community involvement. We made it to a point to, not only be present at other community events but be more proactive in putting on our own events." Some of those being Coffee with a Cop, holiday giveaways, and the Summer Safety Parties. All of those are events that Hitt will miss. The time is here and I've done my time and it has been great. I'm absolutely going to miss the department, the job, the community."

Director Elmer Hitt at Summer Safety Party
Director Elmer Hitt helps a girl on the monkey bars at a Summer Safety Party

Director Hitt's last day is this Friday, February 21.

WATCH: Director Hitt shares what's next

Retiring police chief shares what's next

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