- Neighbors in Mason are encouraged to take a survey to make their voices heard.
- The survey will be open the entire month of January.
- Video shows the Mason Public Schools Superintendent saying why they wanted to survey neighbors.
(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)
Mason parents are telling me about changes they want to see at local school buildings, including the auditorium at Mason High School. What do you want to see? Here’s how you can have your voice heard by the school district.
"I have three kids in Mason schools," Mason dad Kyle Wright told me.
Wright wants to see updates at Mason Public Schools and is making his voice heard.
"I took the survey already," he said.
I’m here to listen to what he thinks, and the local superintendent says he is, too.
A school survey launched this week, asking neighbors like Wright what they want to see in a new bond proposal from the district.
"There are a lot of questions that will give the district a lot of information on how to organize the bond," Wright said.
Mason School Superintendent Gary Kinzer told me last fall that this survey would be released in the new year.
Since it’s now January, I wanted to do a follow-up, to let all my neighbors know about it.
"The intention of this bond is to get as much as we can done in our middle school and high school," Kinzer said.
He explained that the district hasn’t proposed a bond since 2017, and now they are getting ready for a new bond. These changes could include updates to the auditorium as well as new classroom furniture. Neighbors I spoke with like the idea of a survey.
"The more community involvement we can get, the more tailored they can make the bond," Wright said.
Kinzer says the survey will close at the end of the month and urges neighbors in Mason to take it. The district will use the results to put together a proposal.
"We're putting a committee together of school district representatives and community members to take a close look at the survey," Kinzer said.
Wright believes every voice matters.
"They can look at the overall results to see what the majority wants and where they want the money to go, and then the community pays for that," he said.
You can find the survey by clicking here.
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