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Neighbors share what they hope to hear ahead of Governor Gretchen Whitmer's State of the State address

Speaker of the House, Matt Hall, spoke Tuesday to share what he hopes the Governor speaks on.
  • Tuesday afternoon Speaker of the House, Matt Hall, held a press conference.
  • Common topics are Infrastructure and Education.
  • Video shows neighbors in Mason discussing what topics they hope Governor Gretchen Whitmer talks about Wednesday.

(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)

Tuesday morning, I went to the Mason Kiwanis Club to ask neighbors what they hope to hear from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's State of the State address.

"We need to know what's going to happen so we can keep our cities running," one resident said.

I spoke with both Democratic and Republican neighbors, who said they hope to hear about education, infrastructure, and grant money from federal and state levels to help keep water clean.

"What is the current process going on with the state and federal grants?" one resident asked.

Charles Goeke, president of the Mason Kiwanis Club, said Kiwanis’ mission is to support young people.

"We want the governor to emphasize the support of the state to the education of our students," Goeke said.

Education is a topic I often cover in my Mason neighborhood.

Goeke, who also serves his community as a substitute teacher, said he would like to see more education programs.

"Developing educational programs that are functional," he said.

Tuesday afternoon, Republican House Speaker Matt Hall spoke on what he hopes Whitmer will deliver in her address.

"Transparency, accountability, local roads. We're going to be doing things on education and making the cost of living better, and Gov. Whitmer is coming our way. My hope is tomorrow we'll see that even more in her speech," Hall said.

Ultimately, neighbors said they are looking forward to the speech.

"We need to know where things are going," one resident said.

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