EAST LANSING, Mich. — MSU Police and Public Safety announced the passing of their comfort canine, River, who helped students deal with stress for almost a year.
According to their Facebook page, River was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma earlier in December.
He passed on Monday, December 16th.
The post said River became a beacon of comfort and joy for students, faculty and staff.
MSU Police Lt. Kim Parviainen was River's handler, and told us when we first met River earlier this year, that one of River's most popular jobs on campus is to visit the dorms in hopes of bringing a sense of home to students.
The facebook post went out to say that Lt. Kim’s commitment and love shined through River, and River’s ability to connect with so many people is a testament to Kim’s hard work.
Click here to learn more about River, after we met him earlier this year.
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