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'My heart started to race': MSU students react to on-campus threat


(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)

I'm your MSU Neighborhood Reporter Colin Jankowski, and I'm talking with students after MSU Police say they arrested an 18-year-old female student for allegedly making an anonymous online threat against the community.

"My heart started to race," Joseph Jackson said.

Joseph Jackson says the news came as a shock.

"My roommate, he was in this building 20 minutes after the threat happened, so I was just like 'what?'" Jackson said.

Police reported the threat case on Wednesday.

It was just two weeks after the campus had marked two years since a mass shooting that took the lives of three students.

MSU Police said in a statement the 18-year-old female student is in custody, and they're seeking felony charges through the Ingham County Prosecutor's Office, and added there’s no current threat to MSU.

We'll be sure to bring you the latest updates in the case.

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