- Ahead of President Trump's address to congress, neighbors gathered to protest.
- One neighbor who supports the President told me she believes it is time to put America first.
- Video shows protesters outside the Michigan State Capitol Tuesday afternoon.
A war half a world away brought dozens of people to Michigan's Capitol on Tuesday afternoon.
"I'm here today to protest the rights for everyone," one protester said.

Neighbors at the protest expressed unhappiness about former President Donald Trump’s recent stance on the war in Ukraine, believing he has not shown enough financial and military support.
"I hope we walk ourselves back to where we were with helping Ukraine because they are the ones being invaded," a protester said.

But not all neighbors feel the same way.
"It is to the benefit of the American people to stop the war and recoup some of the billions of dollars we've already given," another attendee said.
Linda Lee Tarver, a neighbor in support of Trump, said she has backed the Ukrainian people but believes it is time to focus on domestic issues.

"We've got people dying in Detroit because homeless shelters are full," Tarver said. "We have priorities here, and I stand with America first."
During his Tuesday night presidential address, Trump touched on the issue and his plans moving forward.
Prior to the address, neighbors shared their thoughts on the general idea, including one protester who said they do not support it.
"At this point, I just don't have any faith in the man," they said.
Others, like Tarver, backed the deal.
"We cannot allow our nation to bend over backwards to have an open checkbook for Ukraine," she said.
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