

Attorneys for Mel Tucker signal intentions to sue Michigan State University for wrongful termination

Michigan State to fire coach Mel Tucker amid sexual harassment claims

(WXYZ) — A day after he was officially fired, attorneys for former Michigan State University Head Football Coach Mel Tucker have sent a "Notice to Preserve Electronic and Hard-Copy Records" to the school.

The document is a notification to preserve records that can be discovered in court proceedings and usually occurs ahead of a formal lawsuit being filed.

MGT - Record Preservation Notice by WXYZ-TV Channel 7 Detroit on Scribd

The school has not yet publically responded to the move.

The school formally announced Tucker's firing on Wednesday. According to a press release from the university, MSU terminated the contract due to Tucker's "admitted and undisputed behaviors which have brought public disrespect, contempt and ridicule upon the university; and constitute a material breach of his agreement, and moral turpitude."

Earlier this week, attorneys for Tucker issued a response to the university's contract termination notice, describing the justification for terminating the contract as "flimsy."

MSU Athletic Director Alan Haller addressed the response in the release.

“Simply put, Mr. Tucker’s response does not provide any information that refutes or undermines the multiple grounds for termination for cause set forth in the notice,” Haller said in a news release. “Instead, his 25-page response, which includes a 12-page letter from his attorney and a 13-page ‘expert report,’ provides a litany of excuses for his inappropriate behavior while expressly admitting to the problematic conduct outlined in the notice.”

In today's letter to the school, lawyers for Tucker categorized the termination of Tucker's contract as "illegal".

This all stems from an investigation into alleged sexual harassment by Tucker of Brenda Tracy, a rape survivor who works to educate athletes about sexual assault and harassment.

Tracy, an activist and rape survivor, said Tucker sexually harassed her during a phone call in April 2022. Eight months later, Tracy filed a complaint with the school’s Title IX office and the investigation was completed in July.

Tucker has called those harassment claims false and said the alleged incident was consensual and an "entirely mutual, private event."

Tracy responded to Tucker's statement saying, "This is just more of the same DARVO, deflection, victim blaming and lies that I’ve been dealing with now for months. Coach Tucker has been delaying and trying to stop the investigative process since the beginning.”

The university also said it has hired the Jones Day law firm to investigate the leak that led to Tracy's identity being revealed in the investigation.

Despite the move to fire Tucker, the university said the MSU Office for Civil Rights case will continue.

Harlon Barnett is being named interim head coach subject to board approval.