

COVID-19 cases on the rise once again in Michigan amid holiday gatherings


COVID-19 cases are on the rise once again in Michigan, according to the state's department of health and human services.

Doctors say that while talking about COVID-19 might feel tiring, getting sick can feel much worse.

At iPharmacy in Livonia, medical professionals say they are busier than ever with the prescriptions they're filling for the flu and COVID-19.

Leading health officials say it doesn't have to come to this point and there are still things you can do to prevent getting infected.

Vaccinations and boosters are number one, as they help prevent infection and help infected individuals have milder symptoms.

Nonetheless, infection disease physician Dr. Matthew Sims with Corewell Health say throughout their eight hospital locations in Southeast Michigan, there are about 200 hospitalized patients with COVID-19.

That's up about 30 from a week ago. Despite advancements in treatment for COVID-19, some of the patients are still very sick.

"We've got a lot of sick people. I've got a couple really sick people with flu, I've got a couple sick with COVID, you know ICU kind of sick. It's not easy," Sims said.

According to Sims, if you are feeling symptoms of being sick and you're having shortness of breath, it's time to see a doctor.

Unfortunately, holidays are a lot to blame for this uptick, so if you're not feeling well, stay away from any parties. New Year's gatherings may only drive those numbers up even further.