
A look back: The weeks that followed Election Day in Michigan

Biden and Trump
and last updated

(WXMI) — Despite efforts from the Trump Campaign to overturn election results, all 16 of Michigan’s electoral votes will go to President-elect Joe Biden.

From protests during ballot counting in Detroit, to Trump Attorney Rudy Giuliani and his witnesses testifying in Lansing.

The electoral votecaps off some tumultuous weeks that followed Election Day 2020.

Prior to Monday’s vote, Michigan’s two top Republicans, House Speaker Lee Chatfield, R-Levering and Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey, R-Clarklake issued their strongest statementsyet in defending the will of the voters and keeping the electors as is, despite pressure to handpick Republican electors.

“I know this isn’t the outcome some want. It isn’t what I want, either. But we have a republic if we can keep it. And I intend to,” Chatfield said.

The two have said previously they would honor the popular vote but raised questions last month after accepting a now famous White House meeting with President Trump.

Two lawsuits claiming widespread fraud filed by the Trump Campaign in Michigan went nowhere.

Votes were certified in a wildly-covered Wayne and statewide November 23rd.

Following the electoral vote on Monday, the president continued making unfounded claims that massive fraud had an election changing result in Michigan.

Shortly after, Senator Shirkey appeared to refute those claims on Twitter.

Tasked with uniting the county, the soon-to-be 46th President of the United States Joe Biden addressed the nation Monday night.

Once again, the American America, the rule of law, our constitution and the will of the people prevailed. Our democracy, pushed, tested, threatened, proved to be resilient, true and strong,” Biden said.