NewsExcellence In Education


Excellence In Education - Brian Milliron - 3/12/25


LANSING, Mich. — The Michigan Lottery has played a big role in funding education in our state, which is why it has teamed up with FOX 47 News to recognize excellent educators state-wide.

Brian Milliron, a high school social studies teacher and coach at Whitehall High School is this week's Michigan Lottery Excellence in Education award winner.

Milliron was nominated for the award by his daughter.

“Brian Milliron has been a social studies teacher and coach for the last 19 years and has always gone above and beyond for his students. At school, Brian teaches seniors in Government and AP US History, coaches the Varsity Girls Basketball team and the JV/Varsity Quiz Bowl teams. Brian is dedicated to helping his seniors that are going into the work force, the military, or higher education. Outside of school, Brian participates in a number of organizations to improve his teaching and knowledge. He was the 2018 James Madison Fellow for Michigan, a four-term board member on the Michigan Council for the Social Studies, works as a Docent for the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids, and has been the VFW District Teacher of the Year for the past four years.”

Milliron’s experience in high school inspired him to become an educator and his students motivate him each day.

“My high school teachers were my coaches and I loved the interaction during my high school days and this was a driving force to get me into the profession. My love for the social studies content was due to high school teachers like Ron Spitzer at Buckley Community Schools and Dr. Roger Durham at Aquinas College. I am well aware of how lucky I am to be able to teach and coach at Whitehall with some of the brightest kids in the state along with some of the best teachers in the state. Preparing students for their post high school career is an important job that I take seriously.”

Brian Milliron was recognized with a $2,000 check from the Michigan Lottery!

Click here to watch the full interview

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