NewsExcellence In Education


Excellence In Education - Nicole Paul - 2/4/25


LANSING, Mich. — The Michigan Lottery has played a big role in funding education in our state, which is why it has teamed up with FOX 47 News to recognize excellent educators state-wide.

Nicole Paul, a special education teacher at Scottville Elementary is this week's Michigan Lottery Excellence in Education award winner.

Paul was nominated for the award by a parent of a student.

“Ms. Paul is the most loving special needs teacher. She listens to parents, doctors, and her students. She spends hours at night trying to figure out how to help her students. My son was so scared this year that he was doing anything to come home, and she never gave up on him. He feels 100% safe with her and can relax while in her class. She is amazing!”

Paul says she has always wanted to be an educator since she was a child.

“As cliché as it sounds, I have always wanted to be a teacher. I used to make my parents play school with me as a child, and I would help a younger cousin with homework on the bus as a child.”

Nicole Paul was recognized with a $2,000 check from the Michigan Lottery!

Click here to watch the full interview

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