

Ask Dr. Nandi: American Medical Association calls for immediate ban on all e-cigarettes and vaping products

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In our Health Alert tonight, the American Medical Association is calling for a ban on all vaping products not approved by the FDA, including e-cigarettes.

As a parent and a physician, it’s really hard to see so many young people using these products and getting addicted to them. And that’s also what’s driving the American Medical Association.

Their goal is to keep nicotine products out of the hands of young people and hopefully stop another generation from becoming dependent on these unhealthy products.

Also driving this new policy is the continuing rise of deaths linked to the lung illness outbreak, which is now at 42, and the more than 2,000 people sickened by it.

The plan to get the ban in place requires lobbying for regulatory, legislative, and legal action at state and federal levels.

Now the Association also has other important new policies. They want to advocate for research money because there’s simply not much evidence regarding the health consequences of using these products. And, they want to study ways to treat nicotine dependence for those who are 18 and younger.

As for any approved products, the Association has said they’ll exclude from their ban any FDA approved e-cigarette and vaping products designed to help smokers quit. And so far, none have been approved.

It’s really important to have an open conversation with your children because federal numbers show a spike for both middle and high schoolers.

Now I suggest you start the dialogue early when they’re young. And explain how nicotine can harm their developing brain, how it can be addictive and together figure out ways for them to handle peer pressure. ''

Hopefully soon, strict regulations will be in place across the nation that will help to protect our youth’s health.