

Bringing the disabled to the workforce


"People with all kinds of disabilities can do the work if you just give us a chance," Michigan Supreme Court Justice Richard Bernstein said.

Justice Bernstein and Lieutenant Governor Brian Calley spoke with employees from Consumers Energy on the importance of giving disabled people employment opportunities.

"It's the idea of seeing the ability instead of focusing on the disability," the Lieutenant Governor said.

Their message is that those with disabilities are going to change the workplace for the better.

"You're going to have people with a fresh perspective- who are going to see things a different way- who are going to do things you never thought possible."

Somebody showcasing these qualities is Jennifer Swearingen. She's worked at consumers for 25 years. She's confined to a wheelchair.

"My legs don't work but my mind and my hands do," Jennifer Swearingen said.

And Jennifer agrees. If employers give a disabled person a shot they will not be disappointed.

"if given the chance they will give you 100-percent even 120-percent," Jennifer said.

And Justice Bernstein and the Lieutenant Governor want you to know that it's not a charity case.

They aren't suggesting giving somebody a job just because they're disabled.

What i'm talking about is going out and giving somebody who is capable a shot at the job," the Lieutenant Governor said.

And they believe by giving more opportunities big things will come.

"By doing this we literally have the chance to change the world," Justice Bernstein.

And the workplace.

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