

City ready to take over "Life O'Riley"


Not only are the owners of the Life O'Riley Trailer Park running out of time to demolish it, they owe tens of thousands of dollars to Lansing and to the Board of Water and Light.

That's according to Bob Johnson. He's the city's director of "planning and neighborhood development."

Thursday morning he told a city council committee the city is prepared to take over the property next month.

Council members say they're ready for this to be over. "It's been two years since the issue first came up and Mr. Johnson assured us that they are absolutely on top of everything. There's a June 18th deadline and they are ready and prepared to jump on June 18th to enforce the deadline."

Tenants were forced to move out of the trailer park in February of 2014 because the Ingham County Health Department condemned the property.

The biggest issue was raw sewage spilling onto the ground and backing up into people's homes.