LANSING, Mich. — It’s the most wonderful time of the year in mid-Michigan.
Downtown Lansing is getting ready for the biggest holiday event of the season: the 37th annual Silver Bells in the City.
Fox 47 News is proud to partner with Delta Dental of Michigan to bring the celebration to life.
Carmen Lorentz Argersinger, Manager of Strategic Partnerships at Delta Dental of Michigan, said events like Silver Bells bring out the best in our communities.
“We take particular pride in supporting the events that really showcase what is so amazing about our hometown,” said Argersinger. “At Delta Dental, we build healthy, smart, vibrant communities in all of the areas we do business, but Lansing is home for us.”

This is not Delta Dental’s first rodeo, they have sponsored Silver Bells for years.
And what makes them keep coming back?
“Every year there is something just a little bit different,” said Argersinger. “We’ve got different local vendors to highlight, amazing new floats every year in the parade and the lighting of the tree is just a little bit different and always special.”
Silver Bells in the City is back in-person this year, the event was canceled last year due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
A stay-at-home version without a parade aired instead.
Argersinger says that while she is happy to be back downtown, she says it’s important to offer a hybrid option.
“We’ve learned over the last 2 years that we need meet people where they’re at,” she said. “I love that fact that we have the ability to go and be in person again, but that people will also be able to experience virtually if they’re not quite in a position where they can do in-person yet.”
Silver Bells in the City will kick off on Friday, Nov. 19th.
The electric light parade, state tree lighting and Firefly drone show will air live on Fox 47 from 6 P.M - 8 P.M.
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