LANSING, Mich. — Delta Township Fire Department sent out two designated ambulances Wednesday to respond to two COVID-19 calls.
Social distancing isn't an option for some people,especially first responders who may have to treat or transport people infected with Coronavirus.
The first responders at the Delta Township Fire Department have spearheaded a new way of protecting themselves and their patients.
Captain Matt Calus, Delta Township Fire Department said, "We were going to start with the most proactive measures that we can to try to eliminate the risk of our providers ever getting exposed or ever contracting the virus.
The Delta Township Fire Department has responded to 15 calls of possible Coronavirus cases.
There are two ambulances dedicated to Coronavirus response.
The ambulances even have the cabinets taped off to prevent from contamination.
Calus said, "We sealed them all off and in the event someone has to get in there, they can just open up one cabinet."
It takes first responders about 30 minutes to decontaminate themselves and their equipment.
From hazmat suits and gloves to bleach and garbage bags, the township's first responders are prepared.
"We merged normal EMS decontamination with a hazmat mindset that we would do on a hazmat call, we've merged them together. So, it's very hard to combat something you can't see you can't smell, but we're basing it on the assumption it's there and taking all of the proactive measures that we can for full decontamination after every patient contact suspected."
Although the decontamination process is time consuming, first responders said there is no delay in getting to the next emergency.
Calus said, "What we've done is kind of set up a whole 'decon' area with the intent of getting people decontaminated to turn the calls around as fast as we can."
There is a meeting Wednesday night at 7 p.m. for other fire departments to learn Delta Township's decontamination process.
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