

Dispensary applications required to have net worth of $100,000

and last updated

Cities all over Michigan are struggling with how to regulate the medical marijuana industry.

One of the problems they face is where to put the large-scale growing operations that are sure to pop up. We're watching that play out right now in East Lansing.

Meanwhile the city of Lansing recently adopted a new medical marijuana ordinance, which caps the number of dispensaries to 25.

To decide which shops will get a license the city clerk's office has developed a scoring criteria draft. This scoring criteria takes more than a dozen factors into consideration--- including job creation, minimizing exposure to minors, and business experience.

A dispensary that meets each criteria on the chart would be awarded a certain amount of points. For example--- a pot shop would get up to fifteen points for showing how it would benefit Lansing's economy.

A total of 100 points can be earned. With 50 on the business plan and job creation side, and the other 50 points split between applicant history, community outreach, land use, and financial stability.

Lansing city clerk Chris Swope says the criteria is still a work in progress. The city clerks office is accepting public comment by email until this coming Monday.

City clerk Swope is also hosting a meeting Thursday at his office to go over the licensing process. That starts at 6:30 at the south Washington office complex.

It's also worth noting--- the ordinance requires dispensary applicants to have a net worth of 100-thousand dollars. It costs five thousand just to apply for a license. And if they don't get one --- the city will only refund the applicant 25- hundred dollars.