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Eaton County Police responded to an active violence call at Bellevue High School

Eaton County Sheriff's Office
and last updated

LANSING, Mich. — On Wednesday morning the Eaton County Sheriff's Office and the Michigan State Police responded to a 9-1-1 call from a female at Bellevue High School who said someone had a gun and was trying to kill her.

According to police, they secured the school - going from room to room, and no active threats were found.

Eaton County Central Dispatch received the call at 7:20 a.m. and many students were still on busses when the call was made.

Police say the school followed protocol, kept students on the buses, and redirected them to a different location where police secured each bus.

The Eaton County Sheriff's Office has previously worked with this school district on Active Violence Incident protocols.

Sgt. Barber will remain at the school most of the day to continue monitoring the situation.

Police say they are still searching for the caller, who called with a 9-1-1-only phone.

The call was made on a 9-1-1-only phone, which means there is no individual service plan attached to the phone.

Police say they are working with the school to identify the caller to determine if this was a false report.

If you have any information about this incident, please contact Det. Cissel at or 517-525-3332.

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